Eric Friedman
Apr 27, 2020
If you work in the human resources (HR) field, your overarching goals are to provide a safe and healthy workplace and enable your company’s mission. Right now, that means the mitigation of the novel coronavirus. As it continues to spread in the U.S., businesses must put together a comprehensive and people-first response to prevent workplace contamination and calm employee anxiety.
This pandemic is a wake-up call for employers to carefully review the policies, procedures and strategies in place to protect staff, customers and operations in this and future crises. The good news is that with thorough attention to workforce safety and legal preparedness, companies can reduce employees’ risk of infection and their own legal risks.
Here are five questions that represent the top human resource concerns as employers prepare for and respond to this emergency.
1. What should companies communicate to employees?
Talking to your workforce about coronavirus is no easy feat. Yet now is the time for resolute action, strong leadership and clear communication. Above all, for practical and legal reasons, employers need to be able to prove that they have given employees accurate information about measures to prevent the spread of infection and that they have provided individuals with the means to act on that information. Therefore, companies should provide communications to staff about modes of transmission and symptoms to be aware of by sharing specific public health guidelines and directing employees to the official sources of information on which the company will rely.
2. Should businesses update sick leave policies?
Ensure that your company’s sick leave policies are adjusted to be flexible enough to allow employees to follow any public health guidance and communicate any modifications to policies in writing to employees. Policies that give employees assurance that they can afford to take sick leave are critical to encouraging self-reporting and, ultimately, reducing potential exposure. Not wanting to miss a paycheck may motivate staff to come into work even if they are experiencing symptoms.
To reduce the risk of spread of the virus, the nation’s largest private employer, Walmart, announced on March 10 that it would offer up to two weeks’ pay for employees who become quarantined or if employees work at one of its locations that happens to fall under a mandatory quarantine. Further, if a worker is diagnosed with COVID-19, Walmart said it would provide two weeks’ pay and additional pay replacement for up to six and a half months. Apple reportedly offered unlimited sick leave to symptomatic retail employees. Although not every business can offer such things, employers should examine what they can do to help prevent the spread of disease.
3. How can companies prepare for workforce shortages?
Employers should start by determining essential tasks that must be completed from the workplace. Then, as shortages arise, reallocate human capital to ensure those tasks are completed while enabling employees who are quarantined to complete work that can be done remotely. Contracting staffing services and hiring temporary employees is another way to fill necessary on-site roles.
4. Can businesses be required to facilitate remote work?
Twitter, on March 2, “became the first major U.S. corporation to strongly encourage its employees to work from home” to prevent the spread of the virus, followed by Amazon, Facebook, Google and many more. The CDC is urging companies to implement workplace social distancing measures, including replacing in-person meetings with teleworking. Now is the time to develop work-from-home guidelines and determine the digital tools that will be available to employees to facilitate communication and productivity when working remotely.
5. Can employers ask staff to stay home or leave the workplace if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19?
The CDC states that individuals should self-monitor or self-quarantine alone for a period of 14 days after showing symptoms of infection, a medium- or high-risk exposure to the virus or traveling from a high-risk region. Companies should also instruct employees to inform their supervisors if they have been exposed to the virus or show symptoms of infection, or if they or a member of their household are particularly vulnerable to the virus.
Failing to provide this instruction to employees can potentially expose a business to liability should staff become infected in the workplace and it is proven that management did not communicate this policy. To avoid litigation, all policies related to this pandemic should be explicit, and the relevant communications should be documented.
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Source: Forbes