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Exploring the Myths & Misconceptions of Employer-Sponsored Healthcare Plans

  • January 29, 2015
  • 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Radisson Hotel Newport Beach 4545 MacArthur Blvd Newport Beach, CA 92660


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This educational event will open your eyes to the many myths and misconceptions regarding employer medical plans that are right under your nose!  Although many of these well-known ideas are based on truths, the complicated issues involved are often misunderstood or oversimplified to the point of being false or misleading.  This seminar seeks to provide a deeper understanding of how many decisions plan sponsors make often have unforeseen and unfortunate consequences.  This fascinating presentation will address:

  • The many kinds of wellness programs and their effectiveness
  • How to evaluate spousal carve-outs and surcharges
  • Health Maintenance Organizations: What is capitation and why it matters
  • Cost sharing tools: Co-pays, deductibles, Rx, MOOP and what it means to your employees
  • A counterintuitive viewpoint of High Deductible Health Plans

Alexander C. Scutro is currently the Senior Underwriting Consultant at Hays Companies.  Al is a leader in the national Corporate Underwriting Department where his primary function is to help develop the tools and methodologies Hays uses to assist employers in effectively managing their health plans. 

Al also speaks to groups across the country regarding medical plan financials and underwriting, advising and educating Financial and Human Resource professionals about employee benefit programs.  Al’s unique, dynamic approach to presentations has made him a popular lecturer.  Al is also a national resource in account management, helping to devise and implement financial management strategies for Hays clients.  Prior to joining Hays Companies in 2009, Al worked in various financial services roles at the Bank of New York Mellon, most recently for the fixed income asset manager Standish.  He is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Boston.

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